Grande Foods

Level One visited Grande Foods in Cornelius with their classes last week. Tom Evans, the owner, told them about the creation of the store and took them on a behind-the-scenes tour! After the tour, the students got to try some fresh pastries and hot chocolate!

Local Government

The Merlins and Peregrine Falcons visited Forest Grove City Hall and met with Mayor Kidd. He spoke about the responsibilities of city council and the other local offices. The students asked lots of questions and got to see the mayor's office!

B Street Farm


Last week, the Level 1 classes visited B Street Farm

We checked out the rabbits and learned how the farm can use the fur.

This is the sod house that will soon hold a composting toilet!

The students got to pass around a fresh, warm chicken egg.

After the tour, we helped removes some non-native plants from the farm property and fed them to the goats!

One of the farmers showed us how they milk the goat